Friday, March 23, 2012

Z1: First night with the Zeo

March 19th-20th was the first night I used the Zeo sleep tracker. I went to sleep rather late (which is not that unusual...), around 1:30 am. I opened the headband straps to their maximum (big head apparently), put the headband on, and tightened it a bit (thinking it would fall off otherwise). I looked at the display on the bedside console for a bit, and sure enough, a few moments later an icon changed to indicate the headband was getting (and transmitting) brain activity signals. So I went to sleep.

It didn't take long to figure out that no, wearing a headband to sleep is not comfortable. I kind of forced myself to ignore it, thinking that once I fell asleep, it wouldn't matter.

The expectation was, of course, that I'd wake up in the morning, take the headband off, and immediately get a very interesting graph showing me how I slept.

The situation was slightly different, and actually rather hilarious. I woke up around 6:15, and immediately noticed I wasn't wearing the headband. Moreover, the graph ended abruptly around 5:15. The first thought was, of course - it fell off! But then I remembered: I actually dreamt that it was time to wake up, and thus... removed the headband, in my sleep, and tossed it to the side of the bed. This very vivid dream apparently happened around 5:15. When I then eventually woke up at 6:15, I momentarily panicked thinking I had overslept...

Here is the graph:
In numbers, the Zeo reported for that night: total sleep time of 3:30 hours, 8 minutes to fall asleep (definitely not matching my perception, and actually not matching the displayed 15 minutes of wake time...), 22 minutes in REM sleep, 21 minutes in deep sleep.
But of course, most of the last hour before waking was chock-full of vivid dreams, i.e. lots of REM sleep. This wasn't captured at all, leading to the appearance of a very short and inefficient night. In reality, I woke up very energized, and this lasted most of the day. I couldn't find any way to "correct" the result (that is, indicate the fact that I actually slept longer). I kind of expected the online tool to support this.

Soon after getting up I noticed a small detail: my forehead had three rather unsightly marks, where the headband sensors pressed. Over an hour had passed since I had removed it, and yet they were quite visible. It took some 3-4 hours for them to vanish. Clearly, I had over-adjusted the headband straps...

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